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Student to lawyer: 20 tips for a smooth transition

Goldfish jumping to new bowl

This is an abridged version of the LAWPRO article: “20 tips for a successful transition” – a guide for law students through the transition from student life to legal practice. See for the full article. Honestly assess your strengths and preferences to identify what makes sense for you in terms of the type of… Read More »

Categories: 2016 Student Issue 4, Articles, Law students/new lawyers, Legal Careers, New Lawyers

Common practice pitfalls: How to avoid them

Man on highwire

Lawyers’ Professional Indemnity Company (LAWPRO) was created to insure lawyers against legal malpractice claims. Most (though not all) claims are brought by a lawyer’s own client and include an allegation that the lawyer made a mistake or did not meet the standard of care expected of him or her when delivering legal services. No lawyer… Read More »

Categories: 2016 Student Issue 4, Articles, Communications Errors, Failure to Know The Law, Inadequate Investigation, Law students/new lawyers, Limitation Periods, New Lawyers, Time Management

New lawyer cyber dangers and how to avoid them

computers and smartphones

Like the local bank, your practice holds valuable information and money. Your computer systems may contain client information, trade secrets, and intellectual property. Your trust accounts have large sums of money. A cyber breach or trust account theft will harm your clients and potentially cripple your practice. Security guards, specialized safes, and sophisticated procedures protect… Read More »

Categories: 2016 Student Issue 4, Articles, Cyber dangers, Fraud, Law students/new lawyers, Legal Technology, New Lawyers, Tech Tips

Stress management for law students (2016)

We all know what law school stress looks like. Come exam time, we see its physical manifestations: the law student, hibernating in the law library, subsisting on a diet of coffee and candy, sits surrounded by mountains of books, empty cans of energy drinks and an arsenal of highlighters. We recognize the bloodshot eyes and… Read More »

Categories: 2016 Student Issue 4, Articles, Law students/new lawyers, New Lawyer Issue, New Lawyers, Wellness, Wellness

Towards a new understanding

Having written my Master’s major research paper on the interaction between aboriginal title and statutory land registration systems, I have had some vicarious exposure to the experiences of Indigenous people with the law. It was an eye-opening experience to learn some of the profound differences in fundamental assumptions regarding governance, law, the land and our… Read More »

Categories: 2016 January Indigenous, Articles, Editorials, Indigenous clients

Providing high quality service to Indigenous clients

Just as the final research for this article was being completed in November, newly-elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his Cabinet, including the appointment of Jody Wilson-Raybould as Minister of Justice and Attorney General. The next morning, a cautiously hopeful mood filled the room as a group of Aboriginal lawyers gathered at the Law Society… Read More »

Categories: 2016 January Indigenous, Aboriginal, Articles, Communications Errors, Dabbling, Diversity, Failure to Know The Law, Features, Inadequate Investigation, Indigenous clients

Potential claims related to serving Indigenous clients

We hope that January 2016 issue of LAWPRO Magazine has contributed to your understanding of the incredible breadth and complexity of “Aboriginal law.” We would not be fulfilling our risk management mandate, however, if we didn’t contribute our own perspective as claims prevention specialists. To avoid claims, lawyers need to know how they develop. What… Read More »

Categories: 2016 January Indigenous, Aboriginal, Articles, Communications Errors, Failure to Know The Law, Features, Inadequate Investigation, Indigenous clients, Practice Tips

Four things that can lead to a denial of coverage under your LAWPRO policy

umbrella with hole

Insurance is different from other types of contracts. Besides the ongoing obligations (as described in the policy’s terms and conditions) that exist between the insurer and insured, there is also a duty of utmost good faith (uberrimae fidei, for you Latin fans). Just as an insurance carrier can’t act in bad faith in denying a… Read More »

Categories: 2016 January Indigenous, Articles, Errors & Omissions, LAWPRO policy

Managing risk: Who pays for crime?

rocks balancing

One of the questions we often get asked at LAWPRO is why certain areas of claims don’t get the full $1 million per claim amount of coverage. For example, think of how the LawPRO policy treats counterfeit certified cheques causing an overdraft, cybercrime, and intentional misbehaviour within the real estate registration system – these coverages… Read More »

Categories: 2016 January Indigenous, Articles, Insurance Business

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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