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Be smart about spam: Use whitelisting so you don’t miss key messages

computer and email

Spam is a problem that never seems to go away. email service providers are always coming up with new ways to identify suspected spam to try to keep it out of your inbox. this often involves assigning points to certain words or phrases, and enough points will get the email blocked. sometimes simply sending an… Read More »

Categories: 2013 May - Year in Review 2012, Articles, Legal Technology, Tech Tips

Avoiding the unintentional expansion of retainers

Consulting man sitting in chair

Here’s the scenario: A lawyer is retained to assist a client with a tort claim and an accident benefits claim. The client, meanwhile, has been informed that the long-term disability (LTD) benefits provided by her employer’s group plan are about to be terminated. In an effort to forestall the termination of benefits, she asks the… Read More »

Categories: 2013 May - Year in Review 2012, Articles, Communications Errors, Practice Tips

Student to lawyer: 20 tips for a smooth transition

girl dressed as student and also lawyer

This is an abridged version of the LAWPRO article: “20 tips for a successful transition” – a guide for law students through the transition from student life to legal practice. See for the full article. Honestly assess your strengths and preferences to identify what makes sense for you in terms of the type of… Read More »

Categories: 2014 Student Issue 2, Articles, Law students/new lawyers, Legal Careers, New Lawyers

Stress management for law students (from a recent grad!)

We all know what law school stress looks like. Come exam time, we see its physical manifestations: the law student, hibernating in the law library, subsisting on a diet of coffee and candy, sits surrounded by mountains of books, empty cans of energy drinks and an arsenal of highlighters. We recognize the bloodshot eyes and… Read More »

Categories: 2014 Student Issue 2, Articles, Law students/new lawyers, New Lawyers, Wellness, Wellness

New Year’s resolutions for a healthier law practice and a new you

computer monitor with sticky notes of new years resolutions

The start of a new year is a time for self-reflection and self-improvement. Many of you will think about making changes in your personal and work lives. But while you all have good intentions, it can be difficult to break old habits, especially when you are running hard on the treadmill of a busy life… Read More »

Categories: 2012 December Resolutions, Articles, Civil Litigation, Corporate Law, Criminal Law, Family, Features, Finances, Legal Technology, Marketing, Practice Tips, Real Estate, Time Management, Wellness, Wills & Estates

Need some 2013 resolutions for your law practice? We have some!

computer monitor with sticky notes of new years resolutions

As you’ll learn in these pages, lasting positive change is less likely to come from radical self reinvention than from the slow and steady accretion of many positive “baby steps”. Would you like your practice to be more efficient, more profitable, more claim-proof, and more personally rewarding? Who wouldn’t? But who has the time to… Read More »

Categories: 2012 December Resolutions, Articles, Editorials

E&O and R&R: Insurance planning for retirement

old man walking on beach

When looking forward to your retirement it’s important to have an idea of what liabilities and activities from your practice will follow you. It’s false comfort to think that just because a claim wasn’t brought prior to retirement means one won’t appear in the future or that you can rely on the coverage that was… Read More »

Categories: 2012 December Resolutions, Articles, Errors & Omissions, LAWPRO policy

Insurance matters: Innocent party coverage

lawpro logo

What is it? Innocent Party coverage protects you against the dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or malicious acts or omissions of present or former partners, associates, and employed lawyers in your firm. Is this coverage mandatory? Minimum level Innocent Party coverage (sublimit coverage of $250,000 per claim/ aggregate) is required for all partners practising in association, partnership… Read More »

Categories: 2012 December Resolutions, Articles, Errors & Omissions, LAWPRO policy

Insurance matters: Temporary leave of absence

lawpro logo

LAWPRO understands that there may be circumstances in which a lawyer may have to take some time away from the private practice of law due to illness, family issues or other circumstances. Lawyers who temporarily leave the practice of law and do not take any alternate employment may be eligible to apply for exemption from… Read More »

Categories: 2012 December Resolutions, Articles, Errors & Omissions, LAWPRO policy

TitlePLUS program celebrates its 15th anniversary; now on Facebook

On September 25, 2012, the TitlePLUS program reached its 15th anniversary. LAWPRO staff marked the event with an afternoon celebration. TitlePLUS title insurance was created in 1997 to provide the market with a Canadian based title insurance product designed to be purchased with the advice and assistance of real estate lawyers. TitlePLUS title insurance is… Read More »

Categories: 2012 December Resolutions, Articles, TitlePLUS

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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