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What new lawyers need to know about LAWPRO’s mandatory professional liability insurance

These FAQs answer some of the more common questions we hear from newly-called lawyers. The answers will help you determine if you need insurance coverage (or whether you’re exempt) and the steps you need to take to get your LAWPRO insurance coverage in place. What is professional liability insurance? Professional liability insurance is designed to… Read More »

Categories: Articles, LAWPRO policy, New Lawyer Issue, Student

Common practice pitfalls: And how to avoid them

Lawyers’ Professional Indemnity Company (LAWPRO) was created to insure lawyers against legal malpractice claims. Most claims are brought by a lawyer’s own client and include an allegation that the lawyer made a mistake or did not meet the standard of care expected of him or her when delivering legal services. Our records suggest that almost… Read More »

Categories: Articles, Communications Errors, Inadequate Investigation, New Lawyer Issue, Student, Time Management

Cultivate Your Innovation Mindsets to Build Your Future Practice Today

The legal services sectors are experiencing a period of rapid, significant change. With the COVID-19 pandemic shining a spotlight on the shortcomings of antiquated parts of our justice system and legal practice models, courts and law firms quickly shifted processes and practices throughout 2020. There’s no turning back. To help you plan for the future… Read More »

Categories: 2022 June - After Covid 19, Access to Justice, Articles, Firm Management, Future of law, Law students/new lawyers, Legal Technology, Solo and Small Firm, Wellness

Working together remotely: A real life conversation about managing teams through the “new normal”

The COVID pandemic forced the legal sector to leap forward decades in a matter of days. More change happened than many people thought possible but there has also been huge amount of stress. How will we work in the “Next Normal?” LAWPRO’s Juda Strawczynski (JS) was joined by Hong Dao (HD) of the Oregon Professional… Read More »

Categories: 2022 June - After Covid 19, Articles, Firm Management, Future of law

TitlePLUS: A living example of innovation of LAWPRO

When considering the future of TitlePLUS, we asked ourselves if the service was still living up to its original principles and – perhaps more importantly – whether those principles were still valid. Companies know their products need to evolve with the needs of their customers and the marketplace. If a product changes too fast, customers… Read More »

Categories: 2022 June - After Covid 19, Articles, Real Estate, Title insurance, TitlePLUS

Persistence and Precision Bring Long Needed Changes to the Planning Act

Comments from Ontario Attorney General Doug Downey As Attorney General I have made it my business to jump start and accelerate access to Ontario’s outdated justice system. The work to move the system forward by decades in mere months began before the COVID-19 pandemic, and by working in new ways with our partners we have… Read More »

Categories: 2022 June - After Covid 19, Articles, Real Estate

The Top 10 Changes to the Planning Act You Need to Know About and Why

The anachronistic provisions of the Ontario Planning Act (the “Act”) and the red tape they created have frustrated lawyers and property owners for many years. The government has listened, and after consultations with many stakeholders over the last two years, long overdue changes are finally here. We believe these changes will save the public time… Read More »

Categories: 2022 June - After Covid 19, Articles, Failure to Know The Law, Real Estate

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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