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Applying old case law to the new Rule 48.14

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On January 1, 2015, Rule 48.14 of the Rules of Civil Procedure was substantially amended. The first result of the amendment was that plaintiffs’ solicitors received respite from “show cause” status hearings. Status notices ceased to be issued as of January 1, 2015. Status notices received by parties prior to January 1, 2015 under the… Read More »

Categories: 2016 January Indigenous, Admin dismissals/Rule 48, Articles, Casebook, Civil Litigation, Time Management

Financial success and work satisfaction – the perfect combination


There are two new titles in the practicePRO library that can help lawyers be happier in their jobs in two ways: inner fulfillment and proper compensation. Kathleen Paukert, author of The Fulfilled Lawyer: Create the Practice You Desire, doesn’t have a lot of time for the negativity she increasingly hears from lawyers about the practice… Read More »

Categories: 2016 January Indigenous, Articles, Book Review, Finances, Legal Careers

Don’t take the bait on a spear phishing attack

By now, most lawyers are familiar with phishing attacks. For those who are not, phishing is the attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an email. They take the form of a message, allegedly from your bank or an online retailer you… Read More »

Categories: 2016 January Indigenous, Articles, Cyber dangers, Fraud, Tech Tips

Danger: When a hacker emails you instructions in the name of your client

The determination and energy of hackers knows no bounds. They show remarkable imagination and ingenuity in coming up with ever more devious ways to steal trust funds by duping lawyers. As an example of this, we have recently seen several instances where a fraudster hacked into a client’s email with the intent to divert funds… Read More »

Categories: 2016 January Indigenous, Articles, Cyber dangers, Fraud, Tech Tips

2016 coverage for lawyers in private practice

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Standard insurance coverage The base program Eligibility: Required of all lawyers1 providing services in private practice.3 Coverage limit: $1 million per claim/$2 million in the aggregate (i.e., for all claims made in 2017), applicable to claim expenses, indemnity payments and/or costs of repairs together. Reminder – Cybercrime coverage sublimit: The 2016 insurance program includes a… Read More »

Categories: 2015 September - Insurance Issue 2016, Articles, Errors & Omissions

2016 coverage for exempt lawyers

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in-house corporate counsel government lawyers, educators and others not in active private practice retired lawyers, estate trustees, emeritus lawyers, judges and others no longer practising law legal aid clinic lawyers (not directly employed by Legal Aid Ontario) lawyers who engage in only occasional practice in Ontario and are resident in a Canadian jurisdiction other than… Read More »

Categories: 2015 September - Insurance Issue 2016, Articles, Errors & Omissions

How unhealthy lawyers affect client service

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Almost all lawyers experience stress, but unless it becomes toxic, there is little risk to the client. Occasionally things get truly out of control. That’s when important deadlines are missed, communication with the client diminishes (or ends), and files languish. In extreme cases, the lawyer ‘pretends’ to practice by misrepresenting to the client that work… Read More »

Categories: 2015 September Blue Sky, Articles, Communications Errors, Conflicts of Interest, Firm Management, Inadequate Investigation, Time Management, Wellness, Wellness

Reading the signs: Stepping in when a colleague needs help

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As adults in the workplace, we usually strive to respect our coworkers’ privacy and autonomy. But it’s important to understand the difference between being nosy and being responsive. The taboos that accompany mental illness, substance abuse and interpersonal problems can make it difficult for workers to seek help when they need it. By reacting sensitively… Read More »

Categories: 2015 September Blue Sky, Articles, Wellness, Wellness

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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