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Do you have what it takes to be a sole practitioner?

girl dressed as student and also lawyer

One-third of the more than 24,000 lawyers in private practice in Ontario are sole practitioners. as a solo, it’s great to have the freedom that comes with being your own boss, but you also have full responsibility for all aspects of the operation of your law practice. Do you have what it takes to be a… Read More »

Categories: 2014 Student Issue 2, Articles, Law students/new lawyers, New Lawyers, Solo and Small Firm

What I wish I knew in law school (2014)

empty university classroom

The first instalment of “What I wish I knew in law school”, an article by LAWPRO’s articling students and newest hires, was one of the most popular features in the inaugural student issue of LAWPRO Magazine. We decided a sequel was in order, so we asked our former articling students, Maurizio Artale and Andria Cramer,… Read More »

Categories: 2014 Student Issue 2, Articles, Law students/new lawyers, Legal Careers, New Lawyers

Resolve to get your practice off to the best possible start

sign that says Your Lawyer

Professional liability claims can take the wind out of the sails of anyone’s legal career, but can be especially demoralizing for a new lawyer. Your best chance at avoiding claims is to develop great working habits right from the start. Here are some practice ‘resolutions’ that you may want to consider. Want more? Read the… Read More »

Categories: 2014 Student Issue 2, Articles, Civil Litigation, Communications Errors, Corporate Law, Criminal Law, Family, Law students/new lawyers, Legal Careers, New Lawyers, Real Estate, Wellness, Wills & Estates

What new lawyers need to know about LAWPRO’s mandatory professional liability insurance

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These FAQs answer some of the more common questions we hear from newly-called lawyers. The answers will help you determine if you need insurance coverage (or whether you’re exempt) and the steps you need to take to get your LawPRO insurance coverage in place. What is professional liability insurance? Professional liability insurance is designed to… Read More »

Categories: 2014 Student Issue 2, Articles, Errors & Omissions, Law students/new lawyers, LAWPRO policy, New Lawyers

Why I chose a career before law school (2014)

girl dressed as student and also lawyer

While many students take the LSAT and if accepted, go to law school after completing a first degree, some choose a different path. Many law students take a few years off in between, for several reasons, including making sure this is the career they want. Last year’s LawPRO articling students, along with one of LawPRO’s… Read More »

Categories: 2014 Student Issue 2, Articles, Law students/new lawyers, Legal Careers, New Lawyer Issue, New Lawyers

The dangers of social networking and how to avoid them

Although social networking tools offer lawyers many interesting new ways to interact with people in both personal and work spheres, there are some risks associated with using them. Before you venture into social networking, consider Section 5.5 of the Law Society’s Practice Management Guideline on Technology (“Technology Guideline”). It states, “Lawyers should have a reasonable… Read More »

Categories: 2014 Student Issue 2, Articles, Law students/new lawyers, Legal Technology, New Lawyers, Social Media

Protecting yourself from cybercrime dangers: The steps you need to take

sinister man in hat

Cybercrime dangers are many, complex and ever-changing. Hardly a day goes by without another news report of a data breach or other cyber-related scam or theft. Cyber criminals have considerable resources and expertise, and can cause significant damage to their targets. Cyber criminals specifically target law firms as law firms regularly have funds in their… Read More »

Categories: 2013 December Cybercrime, Articles, Cyber dangers, Features, Fraud, Legal Technology

The LAWPRO $250,000 cybercrime coverage: What it covers and why

As of the 2014 policy year, the LAWPRO mandatory insurance program will include express coverage in the amount of $250,000 for losses related to cybercrime, as defined in the policy. This sublimit (or cap) of coverage provides a modest “safety net” for lawyers in the area of cybercrime exposure. We say modest because like the… Read More »

Categories: 2013 December Cybercrime, Articles, Cyber dangers, Errors & Omissions, LAWPRO policy

Cyber risk insurance options: Do you have the coverage you need?

The prevalence of cyber-related crime has been steadily increasing for a number of years. Many businesses invest heavily in the necessary IT infrastructure to protect their data, but despite best efforts and intentions, the frequent news stories in the press should serve as confirmation that breaches do occur. The cost implications of having personal or… Read More »

Categories: 2013 December Cybercrime, Articles, Cyber dangers, Disaster Planning, Errors & Omissions, Firm Management, LAWPRO policy

Be ready with an incident response plan

sinister man stealing laptop

Because a cybercrime attack can cause irreparable harm, law firms should be prepared to take action immediately. Being able to do this requires an Incident Response Plan (IRP). An effective IRP can put a firm in a position to effectively and efficiently manage a breach by protecting sensitive data, systems, and networks, and to quickly… Read More »

Categories: 2013 December Cybercrime, Articles, Cyber dangers, Disaster Planning, Features, Fraud

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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