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Mental illness and lawyers: Moving from stigma to solutions

Legal professionals struggling with mental illness often do so in silence – especially in the workplace. They fear the loss of their jobs, their professional reputations or even their licences. As a result, they don’t seek the help they need – often, with catastrophic results. In 2011, mental illness cost Canadian business six billion dollars… Read More »

Categories: 2013 September practicePRO 15th, Articles, Wellness, Wellness

The practicePRO program: Looking back on what has and hasn’t changed in the first 15 years

practicepro logo

In 1997, LPIC, as LAWPRO was then known, was in its second year of operating the primary professional liability program for the Ontario bar. At that time, LPIC was working hard to build confidence in a new insurance program (and itself as the new insurer of the program) in the wake of the E&O fund… Read More »

Categories: 2013 September practicePRO 15th, Articles, Content Type, Features, LAWPRO Magazine, LAWPRO Magazine Article Type

Book reviews: iPad for Litigators and Google Gmail and Calendar in One Hour for Lawyers

smartphones and computers

The practicePRO Lending Library continues to grow with the addition of two new books: iPad for Litigators, and Google Gmail and Calendar in One Hour for Lawyers. iPad for Litigators Lawyers have quickly learned that their new iPads are for more than just entertainment. Many have seen how they can be utilized in their law… Read More »

Categories: 2013 September practicePRO 15th, Articles, Book Review

A desire for deluxe car service at a compact car price: What is LAWPRO to do?

cover of May 2013 lawpro magazine

The title of this editorial reflects the reality of my world. Times are tough for many legal practitioners (not to mention many would-be clients of those practitioners) and affluent times are not necessarily around the next corner. The financial reset button has truly been hit, in many ways. LAWPRO is no different from any other… Read More »

Categories: 2013 May - Year in Review 2012, Articles, Editorials

Same base premium…but Ontario lawyers saved $5 million in 2012. How?

cover of May 2013 lawpro magazine

Despite claims costs in $100 million territory, LAWPRO kept its base premium stable at $3,350 per lawyer from 2011 to 2012. Not all lawyers, however, pay the base premium. Careful claims analysis allows us to offer discounts to insureds such as newly-called lawyers, lawyers who practice part-time, and lawyers who practice exclusively in the low-claims… Read More »

Categories: 2013 May - Year in Review 2012, Articles, Year in Review

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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