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In This Issue of LAWPRO Magazine

Editorial: Help is available

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At one time or another, most lawyers and paralegals will have seen a family member, a friend, or a colleague struggling with health or addiction issues. Undoubtedly, a good number of those reading this column will have themselves struggled with health issues at some point during the course of their career. Historically, the profession has… Read More »

Understanding mental health in the legal profession

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Herman Melville wrote that the legal profession is one where “misery hides aloof, so we deem that misery there is none.” In Melville’s story of Bartleby, the Scrivenor, a solicitor watches this silent misery slowly consume and destroy his copyist, Bartleby. Although Melville wrote his tragedy about depression in the legal profession in 1853, it… Read More »

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Using the MAP to find a healthier way

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Although compromised mental health within the legal profession has historically been a widespread and deeply rooted problem, increasing awareness and new resources are building a healthier, more resilient, and stronger profession. That’s where from the Member Assistance Program (MAP) comes in. The MAP provides Ontario lawyers, paralegals, law students, judges, and family members, with… Read More »

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Navigating the LAT Regime – Traps for unfamiliar lawyers

Even when a case falls into an area of law in which a lawyer is experienced, a new or unfamiliar administrative regime can present risks for lawyers not prepared for the particular statutory framework. Importantly, missing key details and requirements can lead to malpractice claims from inadequate investigation or communication failures with clients. The following… Read More »

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Did you know that some title insurers include exceptions to fraud coverage for private lender transactions where the mortgage funds are not paid to acceptable parties?

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In light of the commonly held view that real estate is a safe investment, many individuals use mortgage investments to supplement income or as a means of saving for retirement. Unfortunately, a reality of the current real estate landscape is that private lenders are often the target of identity frauds. A title insurance policy generally… Read More »

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Paying attention to the fraud behind the curtain

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We have previously written about the dangers associated with email spoofing and phishing schemes, where fraudsters will send fabricated emails purporting to be from a trusted colleague or third party in an effort to trick a lawyer or staff member into clicking on a dangerous link or downloading a dangerous attachment. These fraudulent schemes continue… Read More »

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Book review: A Lawyer’s Guide to Healing

“If I had to pick the most common malady affecting lawyers, it would be alcoholism.” This is according to Don Carroll, former director of the North Carolina Lawyer’s Assistance Program and author of A Lawyer’s Guide to Healing: Solutions for Addiction and Depression. In the book, he examines how addiction and depression manifest in the… Read More »

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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