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In This Issue of LAWPRO Magazine

Remarks of the President & CEO for the 2020 Year in Review

My remarks for last year’s annual report were written in late March, just a few weeks after the pandemic started. The “incredible events and changes” of those first few weeks (as I then described them) did little to foreshadow the countless ways the COVID-19 pandemic upended our personal and professional lives through the rest of… Read More »

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Primary E&O program claims: 2020 Year in Review

Insurance can be a source of stability and calm in a storm and a foundation from which to rebuild after a storm has passed. 2020 was an alarming year in an unpredictable world. It often seemed to be a year on pause.But the legal profession did not stop. The number of insured lawyers in Ontario… Read More »

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LAWPRO successfully repairs in 2020

When LAWPRO is quickly alerted to potential claims, we are often able to rectify the problem and prevent loss and further lawsuits from arising. Our counsel know how to best address issues such as failure to comply with strict notice requirements, failure to discover unknown defendants within the limitation period, and the threat of dismissal… Read More »

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Defending lawyers in court in 2020

Despite any attempts to resolve claims without litigation, sometimes court is inevitable. Every year, LAWPRO steps in to defend licensees from unwarranted lawsuits and accusations.Here are a few examples of defences successfully advanced by LAWPRO in 2020 on behalf of insureds. Contract law – Claims against alleged partners of debtors Partners in a legal firm… Read More »

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Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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