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In This Issue of LAWPRO Magazine

Remarks of the Chair and the President & CEO

Remarks of the Chair The report that follows shows how our insureds can count on LAWPRO for stability, knowledge, and support during challenging times. One of the most stressful experiences in a lawyer’s career is when they discover they’ve made a mistake. On an annual basis, more than 3,000 lawyers call us to report a… Read More »

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What we did in 2022: Program highlights

We returned to the office Yes, we physically returned to the office. While LAWPRO’s offices remained open throughout the pandemic, it was only in 2022 that all staff returned to regular attendance in the office through a hybrid work model. The opportunity to once again work side-by-side strengthened our team, helping us provide insureds with… Read More »

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What we did in 2022: Repairs

When LAWPRO is quickly alerted to real or potential claims, we are often able to rectify the problem, thereby preventing harm to a client and a malpractice claim from arising. Our counsel know how to best fix issues such as dismissal orders due to inadvertent missed deadlines, allegations of improper will drafting, minor errors on… Read More »

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What we did in 2022: Defending lawyers in court

Here are a few examples of defences successfully advanced by LAWPRO in 2022 on behalf of insureds Tax and contract litigation – Allegedly failing to follow explicit client instructions Lawyers themselves can sometimes make for challenging clients. As backseat drivers, they may feel they know more or are better qualified to make strategic and procedural… Read More »

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What we did in 2022: We helped – the practicePRO program

The practicePRO program provides risk management, claims prevention and law practice management information for free. Its resources, precedents and checklists are intended to help Ontario lawyers take proactive steps to avoid legal malpractice claims and grow successful and thriving law practices. In 2022, practicePRO focused on continuing to help lawyers adapt to workplace and practice… Read More »

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What we value is built into everything we do

Corporate Social Responsibility at LAWPRO is informed by a spirit of community and accountability, while acknowledging that we are governed and profoundly shaped by our unique role as the provider of the primary professional liability insurance program for all lawyers in Ontario. Supporting our future legal community LAWPRO’s efforts and activities to support law students… Read More »

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Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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