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Malpractice Errors

What do title insurers expect from lawyers?

Still relatively new in Canada, title insurance is not fully understood by many consumers. Even certain less-sophisticated lenders lack detailed knowledge of the product. The responsibility for explaining title insurance to those who purchase it – and for supporting insureds in obtaining coverage that suits their needs – falls squarely on lawyers’ shoulders. Lawyers are… Read More »

Categories: Areas of Law, Articles, Communications Errors, Content Type, Inadequate Investigation, Real Estate, Title insurance, Topics

You can rely on the register except when you can’t

As between innocent mortgagees, which has priority when a fraudulent discharge of a first mortgage makes way for additional mortgages? A fraudulent discharge is discovered After a “second mortgage” it issued to Brampton homeowners in December of 2012 went into default in February 2013, lender Secure Capital issued a notice of sale. CIBC, which believed… Read More »

Categories: Areas of Law, Articles, Content Type, Fraud, Real Estate

Risky VTB mortgage transactions in Collingwood and Barrie

LAWPRO is warning Ontario real estate lawyers to be on the alert for risky vendor takeback mortgage transactions, some of which may be closing this week. There is a significant potential claims risk for lawyers involved in these transactions. On April 24 we sent a LAWPRO Alert email to lawyers in the Barrie and Collingwood… Read More »

Categories: Alerts, Fraud

Document intentions behind inter vivos transfers

There is a wide range of reasons behind individuals’ decisions to transfer ownership of property. Unfortunately, legal presumptions about transfers don’t always align well with the transferor’s intentions, which can lead to unexpected results. Transfers that are intended to be gifts may be treated as trusts in favour of the transferor; or transfers made for… Read More »

Categories: Areas of Law, Articles, Communications Errors, Content Type, Inadequate Investigation, Malpractice Errors, Wills & Estates

Ask critical questions to head off will challenges

We all know it’s impossible to write an effective will for a client without investigating the details of the client’s circumstances and estate. While this conclusion may seem trite, in recent years LAWPRO has seen an average of 60 claims per year alleging that the lawyer did not investigate key details. This specific error has… Read More »

Categories: Areas of Law, Articles, Communications Errors, Content Type, Inadequate Investigation, Wills & Estates

Risk management strategies to reduce your risk of a claim under the new Rule 48.14

Rule 48 on calendar

Effective January 1, 2015, a new Rule 48.14 brought significant changes to the administrative dismissal regime in Ontario. After several hundred claims and more than $7 million in claims costs over the last three years, LAWPRO was happy to see old Rules 48.14 and 48.15 revoked. However, while LAWPRO believes the new rule will stem… Read More »

Categories: 2015 February - LAWPRO 20th, Admin dismissals/Rule 48, Articles, Civil Litigation, Practice Tips, Time Management

20 years of LAWPRO leading cases

20 years of lawpro magazine cover

While Ontario lawyers will appreciate that LAWPRO defends them on legal malpractice claims, they may not appreciate the breadth of legal issues that come up in those claims. This article highlights leading or significant cases that LAWPRO litigated over the past 20 years, some of which dealt with legal issues and principles that are relevant… Read More »

Categories: 2015 February - LAWPRO 20th, Admin dismissals/Rule 48, Articles, Casebook, Civil Litigation, Criminal Law, Limitation Periods, Wills & Estates

Don’t get duped: 20 red flags of bad cheque fraud you should recognize

Lawyers in all areas of practice continue to be the frequent targets of bad cheque scams. These scams involve debt collections, business loans, IP licensing disputes or spousal support payments. While it appears Ontario lawyers are increasingly aware of these frauds, occasionally some are being duped into disbursing funds on a bad cheque they have… Read More »

Categories: 2015 February - LAWPRO 20th, Articles, Cyber dangers, Fraud, Practice Tips

Demystifying condominiums with better communication

condo tower

Condominium ownership has a unique set of rules and responsibilities. Helping your clients understand what they are getting into can reduce your risk of a malpractice claim. Start off on the right foot at the beginning of your relationship by sending a detailed retainer letter setting out what you will or will not be doing… Read More »

Categories: 2015 February - LAWPRO 20th, Articles, Communications Errors, Real Estate, TitlePLUS

How simple mistakes can lead to large claims

Cartoon dollar bills

It’s easy to think that, at least in your office, a major claim couldn’t possibly happen. But LAWPRO’s experience shows that errors, innocent oversights and gaffes in any type of practice can lead to big problems. And if you or your firm don’t have adequate insurance in place to address the claim, you could be… Read More »

Categories: 2015 February - LAWPRO 20th, Articles, Civil Litigation, Corporate Law, Franchise, Inadequate Investigation, Independent Legal Advice, Personal injury, Personal Injury, Real Estate, Wills & Estates

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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