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Malpractice Errors

Protecting yourself from cybercrime dangers: The steps you need to take

sinister man in hat

Cybercrime dangers are many, complex and ever-changing. Hardly a day goes by without another news report of a data breach or other cyber-related scam or theft. Cyber criminals have considerable resources and expertise, and can cause significant damage to their targets. Cyber criminals specifically target law firms as law firms regularly have funds in their… Read More »

Categories: 2013 December Cybercrime, Articles, Cyber dangers, Features, Fraud, Legal Technology

Be ready with an incident response plan

sinister man stealing laptop

Because a cybercrime attack can cause irreparable harm, law firms should be prepared to take action immediately. Being able to do this requires an Incident Response Plan (IRP). An effective IRP can put a firm in a position to effectively and efficiently manage a breach by protecting sensitive data, systems, and networks, and to quickly… Read More »

Categories: 2013 December Cybercrime, Articles, Cyber dangers, Disaster Planning, Features, Fraud

Keeping your passwords strong and secure

Computer passwords are the keys that “unlock” our computer and network systems. We all have more passwords than we can remember. This tends to make us a bit lazy. We use obvious and easy-to-remember passwords – even the word “password” itself. Or worse: we don’t use them at all. Bad password habits are often one… Read More »

Categories: 2013 December Cybercrime, Articles, Cyber dangers, Fraud, Legal Technology, Tech Tips

Draw clients a roadmap to avoid communication claims

Our readers should now be well aware that problems with lawyer-client communication are the number one cause of malpractice claims. Managing communication takes patience and effort: at one extreme of the spectrum, responding to calls and messages from clients who want constant contact can be frustrating; while at the other end, trying to get absentee… Read More »

Categories: 2013 December Cybercrime, Articles, Communications Errors, Practice Tips

Cybercrime and law firms: The risks and dangers are real

sinister man stealing laptop

Historians may well look back and call 2013 “The year of the hacker.” There have been numerous high-profile data breaches involving major corporations and online services: Facebook, Apple, Twitter, Adobe, NASDAQ, The New York Times and LexisNexis, to name just a few. Everyone reading this article likely has information stored by at least one, if… Read More »

Categories: 2013 December Cybercrime, Articles, Cyber dangers, Features, Fraud

Could this happen to you? Getting duped on a bad cheque scam

In our newest effort to help Ontario lawyers appreciate where claims happen – and how to avoid them – we are pleased to introduce a new column to LAWPRO Magazine: “Could this happen to you?” Lawyers have told us they like to hear about real scenarios and circumstances that resulted in malpractice claims. They say… Read More »

Categories: 2013 September practicePRO 15th, Articles, Could This Happen to You?, Cyber dangers, Fraud

Know how administrative dismissal claims happen, and take 8 steps to immunize yourself against them

Rule 48 on calendar

Rule 48 claims arise when it is alleged that the dismissal of a claim was due to the lawyer’s negligence with respect to either a defended (Rule 48.14) or an undefended (48.15) action. Many of these claims have been very costly for LAWPRO. While certain Rule 48 claims can be repaired by speaking with opposing… Read More »

Categories: 2013 September practicePRO 15th, Admin dismissals/Rule 48, Articles, Civil Litigation, Limitation Periods

Steer clear of real estate claims by asking these five questions on every deal

The real estate lawyer’s job is more than just conveying title, and not every matter will be straightforward. Communication errors and inadequate investigation are the biggest causes of real estate claims at LAWPRO, respectively 41 per cent and 26 per cent of claims reported between 2001 and 2011. Busy, high-volume practices often lead to situations… Read More »

Categories: 2013 September practicePRO 15th, Articles, Communications Errors, Inadequate Investigation, Real Estate

Knowing when to take a stand: LAWPRO defends its insureds in 2012


LAWPRO pays an indemnity to resolve a claim only in a minority of cases. In the years 2008-2012, LAWPRO made an indemnity payment in just 14.5 per cent of files, on average. However, many claims must be actively defended: over that same period, over 42 per cent of claims required the expenditure of external defence… Read More »

Categories: 2013 May - Year in Review 2012, Articles, Casebook, Civil Litigation, Limitation Periods, Personal injury, Tax, Wills & Estates

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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