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Inspiration and resources for new lawyers

While launching or building your career, don’t focus so closely on the daily grind that you lose sight of your reasons for practising law. An intentional, disciplined approach to building a practice will pay business and risk-management dividends. The articles featured here can help you get a running start. If you like what you read,… Read More »

Categories: Law students/new lawyers, Webzine

Your 2018 insurance program

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Quick summary: Base premium for 2018: $2,950 Part-time practice billing limit updated Innocent Party/Partner levy reduced No more civil litigation transaction levies for family law matters Civil litigation transaction levy increased to $100   Base premium stable The base premium for 2018 will remain unchanged at $2,950. Claims management and cost containment efforts are expected… Read More »

Categories: 2017 September - Insurance Issue 2018, Articles, Content Type, Errors & Omissions, LAWPRO policy

Model Electronic Document Handling Policy

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This model policy is a supplement to LAWPRO Magazine: Cybercrime and law firms, published December 2013. This policy should be adapted to meet the specific requirements and technology in your firm. This policy addresses the best practices for the handling, delivery, and exchange of electronic documents. While the main areas of concern are with sending… Read More »

Categories: Legal Technology, Precedents

The graceful exit: Leaving practice on a high note

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In the last few years of their careers, many lawyers begin to think about the meaning of legacy. What has been my contribution? How will I be remembered? Part of being a professional means having a vision beyond simply working a job and earning money. Most lawyers are guided by personal values, a commitment to… Read More »

Categories: 2017 August Managing Change, Articles, Content Type, Features, Firm Management, LAWPRO Magazine, Legal Careers, Succession Planning, Topics

Reflections on technology changes in real estate practice

Facilitating transfers of real estate has been the bread-and-butter of thousands of Ontario lawyers for generations. Despite occasional market wobbles, real estate business has helped firms to flourish in communities of all sizes, often supporting the delivery of family, estates, commercial and even criminal law services. Healthy real estate practices support both lawyers’ own families… Read More »

Categories: 2017 August Managing Change, Areas of Law, Articles, Clerical / Delegation, Communications Errors, Cyber dangers, Features, Inadequate Investigation, LAWPRO Magazine Article Type, Legal Technology, Real Estate, Time Management, Topics

Litigation claims on the rise

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In recent years, the growth in civil litigation claims has outstripped the overall growth in claims. For example, from 2006 through 2010 LAWPRO received an average of 708 civil litigation claims each year, and during 2011 through 2015, the average increased to 948 each year. This growth of 34 per cent vastly exceeds the 7… Read More »

Categories: 2017 August Managing Change, Admin dismissals/Rule 48, Areas of Law, Articles, Civil Litigation, Communications Errors, Content Type, Dabbling, Features, Inadequate Investigation, LAWPRO Magazine, LAWPRO Magazine Article Type, Limitation Periods, Time Management

Commercial title insurance: What you need to know

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A discussion regarding title insurance (or any insurance for that matter) requires the understanding that it is insurance. It does not fix problems, it underwrites risks. As lawyers, it is incumbent upon us to be able to convey this clearly to our clients, whether lenders or more likely borrowers/purchasers. In the days of yore, the… Read More »

Categories: 2017 August Managing Change, Areas of Law, Articles, Content Type, Insurance Business, Real Estate, Title insurance

Don’t let claims follow you into retirement

Lawyers often approach retirement feeling good about their legacy. Whether you devoted your efforts to crafting airtight contracts, supported clients as they worked toward mediated settlements, or stood up for the rights of those who needed you, you’re entitled to feel proud of your accomplishments. Looking back, however, may heighten your awareness of just how… Read More »

Categories: 2017 August Managing Change, Articles, Content Type, Errors & Omissions, LAWPRO Magazine, LAWPRO policy, Legal Careers

“I will be out of the office…forever” and I don’t want to deal with claims

Are you thinking of changing careers or law firms, selling the practice, or retiring? As other articles in this issue have highlighted, even after you retire, malpractice claims can engage your LawPRO E&O run-off coverage. Real estate lawyers should consider TitlePLUS title insurance since claims covered under the Legal Service Coverage¹ in a TitlePLUS policy… Read More »

Categories: 2017 August Managing Change, Articles, Real Estate, Title insurance, TitlePLUS

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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