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Short reads for better practice management

Many of the most popular recent additions to the practicePRO Lending Library have been from the ABA’s “One Hour” series. These books present practice management and technology topics in a format that can be read in (more or less) an hour. We’ve added three new titles to the Library. Legal Project Management In One Hour… Read More »

Categories: 2014 September Diversity, Articles, Book Review, Finances, Firm Management, Legal Technology

Recoveries and repairs: 2013 review

LAWPRO staff actively pursue recovery costs throughout the year. In some cases, a party other than the insured is found liable for all or part of a loss that is the subject of a claim. We take all reasonable steps to obtain reimbursement from these parties, no matter the amount, because the recovery of these… Read More »

Categories: 2014 June - Year in Review 2013, Admin dismissals/Rule 48, Articles, Casebook, Civil Litigation, Family, Limitation Periods, Year in Review

Computers running Windows XP SP3 or Office 2003 must be updated immediately

computer and email

As reported widely in the media and mentioned in the December 2013 LAWPRO Magazine, Microsoft ceased supporting Windows XP SP3 (Service Pack 3) and Office 2003 (SP3) as of April 8, 2014. There will be no new security updates, non-security hotfixes, free or paid assisted support options or online technical content updates from Microsoft for… Read More »

Categories: 2014 June - Year in Review 2013, Articles, Cyber dangers, Legal Technology, Tech Tips

Job market scoop: What do law firms look for?

Consulting man sitting in chair

Law students – like all students – are prone to anxiety about their career prospects. High-profile news about the employment challenges faced by new grads in the U.S. and changes in the articling requirements for Ontario have combined to create a climate of worry. But worrying about trends and generalizations can obscure the fact that… Read More »

Categories: 2014 Student Issue 2, Articles, Law students/new lawyers, Legal Careers, New Lawyers

Do you have what it takes to be a sole practitioner?

girl dressed as student and also lawyer

One-third of the more than 24,000 lawyers in private practice in Ontario are sole practitioners. as a solo, it’s great to have the freedom that comes with being your own boss, but you also have full responsibility for all aspects of the operation of your law practice. Do you have what it takes to be a… Read More »

Categories: 2014 Student Issue 2, Articles, Law students/new lawyers, New Lawyers, Solo and Small Firm

What I wish I knew in law school (2014)

empty university classroom

The first instalment of “What I wish I knew in law school”, an article by LAWPRO’s articling students and newest hires, was one of the most popular features in the inaugural student issue of LAWPRO Magazine. We decided a sequel was in order, so we asked our former articling students, Maurizio Artale and Andria Cramer,… Read More »

Categories: 2014 Student Issue 2, Articles, Law students/new lawyers, Legal Careers, New Lawyers

Resolve to get your practice off to the best possible start

sign that says Your Lawyer

Professional liability claims can take the wind out of the sails of anyone’s legal career, but can be especially demoralizing for a new lawyer. Your best chance at avoiding claims is to develop great working habits right from the start. Here are some practice ‘resolutions’ that you may want to consider. Want more? Read the… Read More »

Categories: 2014 Student Issue 2, Articles, Civil Litigation, Communications Errors, Corporate Law, Criminal Law, Family, Law students/new lawyers, Legal Careers, New Lawyers, Real Estate, Wellness, Wills & Estates

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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