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The view from here: An interview with articling and LPP students (2018 edition)

unbox your career potential

LAWPRO articling students Madeleine Tyber and Anne Laverty and LPP student Jennifer Lillie share advice and insights for law students looking ahead. Be confident Buzz among law students is that they don’t know anything when it comes to articling and that they will face a steep learning curve. This is one of the rumors that… Read More »

Categories: 2018 Student Issue 6, Articles, Content Type, LAWPRO Magazine, LAWPRO Magazine Article Type, Student

Student to lawyer: 20 tips for a smooth transition (2018 edition)

cover of 20 Tips issue of Lawpro student magazine

This is an abridged version of the LAWPRO article: “20 tips for a successful transition” – a guide for law students through the transition from student life to legal practice. See for the full article. Honestly assess your strengths and preferences to identify what makes sense for you in terms of the type of… Read More »

Categories: 2018 Student Issue 6, Articles, Content Type, LAWPRO Magazine, LAWPRO Magazine Article Type, Student

Where to look for help

blue skies

The Member Assistance Program (MAP), offered by Homewood Health provides a wide range of services and resources to lawyers, judges, paralegals, law students, and other legal professionals, as well as their families. Perhaps you’re stressed, not sleeping, dealing with marital strife or suspecting you drink too much. Or you may be searching for more information… Read More »

Categories: 2018 Student Issue 6, Articles, Content Type, LAWPRO Magazine, LAWPRO Magazine Article Type, Topics, Wellness, Wellness

New lawyer cyber dangers and how to avoid them

sinister man stealing laptop

Like the local bank, your practice holds valuable information and money. Your computer systems may contain client information, trade secrets, and intellectual property. Your trust accounts have large sums of money. A cyber breach or trust account theft will harm your clients and potentially cripple your practice. Security guards, specialized safes, and sophisticated procedures protect… Read More »

Categories: 2018 Student Issue 6, Articles, Content Type, Cyber dangers, LAWPRO Magazine, New Lawyer Issue, Student, Topics

Li Cheng on TitlePLUS title insurance, RealtiWeb, and being a new lawyer

In what ways do you think the TitlePLUS program might benefit new real estate lawyers? The TitlePLUS program 1 is integrated with LawyerDoneDeal’s RealtiWeb which is a conveyancing platform that new real estate lawyers can take advantage of without paying upfront software fees. That’s very important for new lawyers. You and your clerks can log… Read More »

Categories: 2018 Student Issue 6, Articles, Content Type, TitlePLUS

Sharing LAWPRO online content

We invite you to share LAWPRO’s videos and articles on social media. Download these instructions on how to incorporate this content on your firm’s website, Facebook, etc. You can share these materials with existing clients and also appeal to potential clients who may visit your site when looking for a lawyer.

Categories: Marketing

Will disruptions make us better?

Disruption isn’t new – it just feels that way. The wheel, the printing press, even electronic land registration were disruptions to the status quo. What’s different this time? The relentless pace and the wide breadth of transformation. As we have all observed, change is constant and is taking place in all areas of our professional… Read More »

Categories: 2018 February Top Legal Disruptions, Articles, Content Type, Editorials, Future of law, LAWPRO Magazine, LAWPRO Magazine Article Type, Topics

What is blockchain?

blockchain graphic

Blockchain is the technology behind bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. While the technology behind blockchain is very complex, the functionality at its core is quite simple. For a video demonstration of how blockchain works watch the YouTube video below. This infographic summarizes what is in the video.

Categories: 2018 February Top Legal Disruptions

Perspectives on the future of law – How the profession should respond to major disruptions

The legal profession is in the midst of significant change, and is headed into a period where there will be even greater change. These changes are driven by disruptions that alter the very nature of how traditional legal services have been performed and provided to clients for decades. These disruptions include: access to justice client… Read More »

Categories: 2018 February Top Legal Disruptions, Articles, Content Type, Features, Future of law, LAWPRO Magazine, LAWPRO Magazine Article Type, Legal Careers, Topics

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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