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What we did in 2022: Defending lawyers in court

Here are a few examples of defences successfully advanced by LAWPRO in 2022 on behalf of insureds Tax and contract litigation – Allegedly failing to follow explicit client instructions Lawyers themselves can sometimes make for challenging clients. As backseat drivers, they may feel they know more or are better qualified to make strategic and procedural… Read More »

Categories: 2023 May - Year in Review 2022, Articles

What we did in 2022: We helped – the practicePRO program

The practicePRO program provides risk management, claims prevention and law practice management information for free. Its resources, precedents and checklists are intended to help Ontario lawyers take proactive steps to avoid legal malpractice claims and grow successful and thriving law practices. In 2022, practicePRO focused on continuing to help lawyers adapt to workplace and practice… Read More »

Categories: 2023 May - Year in Review 2022, Articles

What we value is built into everything we do

Corporate Social Responsibility at LAWPRO is informed by a spirit of community and accountability, while acknowledging that we are governed and profoundly shaped by our unique role as the provider of the primary professional liability insurance program for all lawyers in Ontario. Supporting our future legal community LAWPRO’s efforts and activities to support law students… Read More »

Categories: 2023 May - Year in Review 2022, Articles

Top Tips for Advocates (2023)

This program full of practical advice and tips is for advocates from all areas of practice. Learn from leading advocates and LAWPRO counsel about recent developments in areas such as limitation periods, ineffective assistance of counsel, establishing the legal status of clients, and more. Original date: June 22, 2023 Download the materials Speakers Edward Marrocco,… Read More »

Categories: Civil Litigation, CPD

Insurance 101 for lawyers: Tips for insuring your practice (2023)

This panel will provide key information for sole practitioners and lawyers managing a practice on understanding and obtaining the different types of insurance available to protect their firm from risk. These experts will explain the how-to of putting the insurance puzzle together—from Errors & Omissions coverage to Executor and Trustee coverage to Commercial General Liability… Read More »

Categories: CPD, LAWPRO policy

Protecting your firm against fraud (2023)

Fraud targeting lawyers continues to be a serious concern for the profession. This program will provide up-to-date information on actual fraud attempts, the types of fraud claims LAWPRO counsel are seeing right now, and how best to avoid these scams. As well, legal and law enforcement experts will provide tips and advice for protecting your… Read More »

Categories: CPD, Cyber dangers, Fraud

Important Reminder: Update to Non-Resident Speculation Tax

Effective October 25, 2022, the Non-Resident Speculation Tax (NRST) rate was increased to 25 per cent from 20 per cent. It applies to the purchase or acquisition of an interest in residential property located anywhere in Ontario by individuals who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, or by foreign corporations or taxable… Read More »

Categories: Online Only, Real Estate

Reminder: 60 Day Notice Requirement Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act

icy stairs

With much of Ontario recovering from significant snowfalls and ice storms over the holiday season, it is a good time to remind the personal injury bar of their clients’ obligations under the Occupiers’ Liability Act to provide notice within 60 days of an incident alleging injury caused by ice or snow. It has been nearly… Read More »

Categories: Civil Litigation, Limitation Periods

Your 2023 program: Continuing stability with minor changes

For the 2023 Primary Program, LAWPRO has focused on keeping premiums as low as possible despite rising claims and operational costs associated with the current economic environment, enhanced coverage, and improving the customer experience. These improvements include automatic exemption from the transaction levy filing requirements for lawyers on the Restricted Area of Practice premium discount…. Read More »

Categories: 2022 October - Insurance Issue 2023, Articles

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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